Yesterday we were told Mitchell was coming home today! Jake in his tender heart spent the morning crying, we were so excited. So we packed everything up, gave away our extra food, checked out of Ronald McDonald House and found out this morning he's not coming home today. He lost 75 grams yesterday, his wound from his heart surgery looks infected and they wanted to start him on IV antiobiotics. We'll be bringing him home with Oxygen so we learned all about it's care today and the new goal is Sunday.
Honestly it is a big blessing. This morning I woke up feeling very uneasy about bringing him home. I started praying that if I was supposed to bring Mitchell home that I would feel good about it, or that I would know how to tell Jake I wasn't ready to bring Mitchell home. I was very worried about him getting dehydrated and having to go to an ER in Richmond with doctors that didn't know his story etc, and spending weeks there. Five minutes later when I went to Mitchell's bed (they had me room in at the hospital the past 2 nights in preparation to bring him home) the doctors already made their decision to keep him and were on their way out. I guess we get prepared for news in all sorts of ways. I felt like this was my way to understand him staying a little longer. AND now I will get a good nights rest because the nurses will be feeding him tonight, not me...
That is exciting that he will get to come home soon! Hang in there. My thoughts and prayers are with you!