Thursday, September 16, 2010

Somebody got glasses!

Look at my baby boy Mitchell! Isn't he cute?

We think he loves his new shades. He looks right at you, and I think it's obvious he can see better. He has a few scratches on his nose, but I've never really seen him try to get them off.

Several people asked Jake on Sunday if Mitchell's glasses were real. We got a big kick out of that. Really, what parent uses glasses as an accessory for a baby??? (I guess they do look like of fake!)


  1. Really?!?! That cute?!?! Gosh, we love him!!

  2. Poindexter! Is he reading yet? Of course, the pic Nor and I really love is the one with the tongue sticking out, just like you know who!
    Jim P. Geyer

  3. AWWWWWW!!! I LOVE babies in glasses. He is so stinking cute!!

    haha- baby glasses accessories. Did adults ask that or just kids?

  4. KELLIE!!! He is adorable and even more now with those glasses! Love his cute face!!!

  5. That is adorable! Love it! (Also, he's looking a little chubbier to me, which is so he eating more solids now?)

  6. Oh my goodness, I can't handle this boy. He looks so cute! I love his glasses. I am so happy to hear that he can see better too!

  7. I love it!!! Mitchell looks ADORABLE!!! I love babies with glasses. Finally, he can see! It must be a whole new world to him! So cute!!!

  8. They kind of look like a fabulous accessory!! They are so cute, love that color of have one stylish baby boy!
