Feb 15 Jake is getting ready for the young men in our ward to come over for an xbox pizza party. I asked him to feed Mitchell for me who had been coughing all day(all week/month?) Jake asks me if Mitchell's lips look blue to me, and then says his hands are blue too. Well, I knew Mitchell was sick and had been trying to decide when I could get down to Fresno to see the doctor. So Jake suggested I leave right then and head to the ER. The whole drive I cried. I just had so many flash backs of last year doing this exact same thing, and of course feeling like a horrible mother!

I calmed myself down before I walked into the ER in Oakhurst (only 10 minutes from our house). Mitchell was immediately brought back due to "trouble breathing" and they started with his vitals. As soon as I saw his oxygen sats at 86-88 (they need to be above 90) I just started crying all over. I hated being there. I was so embarrassed because I couldn't get control of myself and stop crying. I knew why I always had Jake bring our kids in. So I cried and cried as they assessed the situation and told me we needed to go to Children's Hospital in Fresno, since we needed to be admitted anyway and they could just have the x-rays, and blood work done there. They took Mitchell by ambulance and I followed in my own car. (I've learned NOT to go in the ambulance. I'm car sick for hours afterwards, and can't take care of ANYONE!) I called Jake and he made arrangements to meet me in Fresno. We had so many miracles happen. They got an IV on Mitchell after one hour (that lasted for 8 days!) We stayed up the ENTIRE night in the ER with Mitchell. It was miserable. Around 3 am I laid down on the linoleum floor with no blanket, and no pillow. I was just so tried! At 5:30 Jake left to go home, take care of the kids, and head to work. They moved us into a room, that had an amazing ROCKING CHAIR! Mitchell tested positive for RSV and pneumonia, and our life was put on pause for the next two weeks. He was mainly given supportive therapy and we watched and waited for him to get better. Mitchell is a total roller coaster. He does better for one or two days, then gets really sick again and we wonder if he's going to make it. Many emotional days with lots of tears and stress and then here we are home!In the middle of all this, Jansen came down with RSV too. Luckily he wasn't hospitalized too. Breathing treatments, steroids and Tylenol pulled him through. :)
We feel very lucky to have Mitchell here with us. He teaches us patience, love, and slowing down! We learn to appreciate each other, and love every minute we have together. It's so hard to constantly be needing help from almost everyone we know. I feel like I need to say to people, "do you want to be my friend? You'll have to do me lots and lots of favors..."

I'm so grateful for my mom flying out here on short notice and keeping Jansen and Reesa in a routine, and making them feel so loved. I have so so so many wonderful friends who visited me, texted me, and took care of my family while I was gone. Life can seem so hard, but it's so much easier with great friends to pull you though it all. Then to top it all off my in-laws drove up to let Jake and I go on a weekend trip with out kids! We felt like it was our second honeymoon, so much needed relaxation! Love you Jake!
ok it's been way too long since I've blogged. I can't seem to put my pictures in the right order, or capture all the wonderful/horrible things that happened... oh well